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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Comic for January 25, 2009

link -> Comic for January 25, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, THE PERFECT SCHNOZZLE

link -> Ladies and Gentlemen, THE PERFECT SCHNOZZLE

[Handing piglet blule-ribbon award] Dang, piglet, you win theBest of Schnozzles. We don't even have to wait for the Schnozzle awards in March. This competishe is OVER. [clapping hands in 'done' motion]


Can you lift your head up a little bit there to show us the GOODS?



Oh you knew I was gonna do this.

Stand back. It's for your own good.



Runt piggle "Chester" LOVED burying himself in heaps of laundry.  Photos by the fabulous Kristine B.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Audio Books: Download free audiobooks at LibriVox

link -> Audio Books: Download free audiobooks at LibriVox
Web site LibriVox offers free audiobook MP s of books in the public domain We've posted about the all-volunteer LibriVox

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Does this look like me?

link -> Does this look like me?
Carl in Longmont, Colorado says this looks like me.

This illustration is from the "winter" collection by artist Yuzuriha Satoshi in Tokyo, Japan. This illustration entitled "Koshu Kaido / Inume" shows a stop along the old "Koshu Highway."

Satoshi-san is probably a randonneur. Many of his prints illustrate what a long distance cyclist may see while riding.

In his cyclist gallery and his seen gallery, Satoshi follows the Haiku tradition of splitting his illustrations into seasons: Spring 春, Summer 夏, Autumn 秋 and Winter 冬. Go take a look -- it's good stuff.

Chris @ Velo Orange just told me he posted about this also.

Eighth grader's invisible invention saves birds from windows

link -> Eighth grader's invisible invention saves birds from windows

Communicating with code

link -> Communicating with code

Why do Freeways Come to a Stop? [Infographic]

link -> Why do Freeways Come to a Stop? [Infographic]

Monday, January 19, 2009

Google: If You Commit a Felony, Don't Google It or You'll Go to Jail

link -> Google: If You Commit a Felony, Don't Google It or You'll Go to Jail

Top 10 Steve Jobs Quotes « Marketing Nirvana

link -> Top 10 Steve Jobs Quotes « Marketing Nirvana

We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and every one should be really excellent. Because this is our life.

Life is brief, and then you die, you know?

And we’ve all chosen to do this with our lives. So it better be damn good. It better be worth it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

swissmiss: A bike lane that travels with you

link -> swissmiss: A bike lane that travels with you
If there is no bike lane, what to do? Bring your own: LightLane . We agree with GOOD, this is a superb idea. (thank you rion)...